We arrived at Siquijor late in the afternoon. By the time we settled in our host’s home, it was already night time. From our short
Apo Island visit, Peter, Karl, Geric, and I continued on our extended trip to Siquijor, and joining us were the newly weds Lorabelle, and Obed who were staying a few days for Sinulog Festival before their honeymoon travel.
We started our first day with a morning walk to Lugnason Falls. Our host’s home was around 20-30 minute uphill walk to Lugnason Falls. Geric was staying with his relatives then, and his location made it impossible for him to join us on this early morning waterfalling. We went there, the weather was a bit gloomy, and light rain dampened the soil the night before, so the trail was ( and can be) a bit slippery.
From the community road there is a signage on where the trail starts. There’s an footpath trail getting to Lugnason Falls so you won’t have to worry getting lost, and just before you reach the falls, you find another signage back-dropped by the trees. But if you must, you can ask a local, or children (on days without classes) from the community to help you find your way.
Lugnason Falls is a cluster of limestone rocks from wide opening water drop. Right after the trail there is landing area where you can see the falls, and it’s water basin from above. You need to get down on a steep man-made steps to reach the water basin. On that elevated landing area though, are several benches for family to gather, and parents to watch the young ones enjoy their swim.
The water basin is not that deep, roughly around 5ft during our visit. Local kids would climb on the slippery rocks on the waterfall facade, and jump into the water basin. A host’s family friend accompanied us, and he told us that the community would remove sediments from the pool basin when water overflows, or the water basin becomes to shallow for swimming.
There is another small pool by the side of the water basin where you can try swimming as well. It is shallow, but on certain months when there are less visitors. Debris can accumulate on the lower part of this area.
Despite the gloomy early morning weather, we had fun still. Though it was not smart to set the camera on timer mode, and swim across the other side for a group shot. LOL! Needless to say, we never had a decent group shot from this early morning walk, and swim.
How to Get / Directions to Lugnason Falls | Napo, San Juan, Siquijor.
– Your landmark from the National Highway would be Coco Grove Beach Resort.
– There’s a road leading inland on the other side of the road from the resort.
– Drive uphill, you will reach a barangay hall with a basketball court, take the road on the left.
– Keep driving ~10minutes uphill.
– A Lugnason Falls signage or marker is on the right side of the road. It is where the trials starts, leave your vehicle properly parked in that area.
+ You can hire a jeepney if you’re travelling in a group, or hire a habal-habal or motor. You can also rent a motorcycle for your travel duration at Siquijor City if you know how to drive.
+ If you’re renting a motorcycle, please be careful in driving, the road can be steep, and/or rough, and not cemented.
+ If is best to drive around in daylight. The whole island has a rotating curtailment schedule, and you might drive through communities without street light because of that.
+ You need to bring your provisions, there’s no store when you start off on the trail.
+ Please tend after yourselves, and bring your trash with you when you leave the area, and have them properly disposed of.